Friday, December 6, 2013

First Monitoring Visit

Hello all,

Went for my first monitoring visit..only one little follie seen! :-( The US tech couldnt find my left ovary. Im praying that there were 5 hiding over there!! I have to go back in tomorrow, I truly hope I dont get the same technician. Ive never had this problem before...Wish me luck!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Rock N Roll!! Here I Go!!!!!!

Hello, hello, out there!! Its been a loonngggg time. Im starting my 2nd IVF Cycle!!! Im so excited I can hardly contain myself!! Im feeling extremely confident this time around! We are doing the estrogen priming protocol this time...This is a better protocol for poor responders.. Im currently on my second day of stims..I'm doing Ganerilix 250mg per day for three days and estrogen patches..once aunt flo comes then the other stims begin!!! Microdose luron flare!! Its been a few years, so the shots do hurt..I must have forgot about that. Its ok it will be well worth it. Im going to have a baby!!! Thank you for reading. All suggestions are appreciated!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

I am not a quitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good morning everyone,

I have decided to try again. I became seriously depressed with the last protocol and though I said I would try again..I had no faith. I became a heavy drinker, gained 30 lbs, and basically gave up....Its a new year, that was not me. I was under attack..I am ready!! My faith has been renewed. My God is an awesome God. The only report I will believe is the lords..He keeps blessing me and he wanted me to wait. Now is my time. 

I have started a a serious weight loss journey, thrown away the booze, started my supplements...full throttle!! Lets go!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too blessed to be stressed!!!!!!!!